LibreOffice was unable to find a working e-mail configuration.

LibreOffice es una peaso de suite ofimatica, pero eso no significa que funcione sóla. Para adaptarla a nuestro sistema debemos realizar determinadas configuraciones.
Si al intentar enviar un archivo de LibreOffice pulsando sobre el icono de la aplicación aparece el siguiente error:
LibreOffice was unable to find a working e-mail configuration.
Please save this document locally instead and attach it from within your e-mail client.

Sólo tienes que seguir estos sencillos pasos para vincular tu cliente de email favorito con este peaso de suite ofimática.
1.- Ir a: Herramientas -> Opciones -> Internet -> E-mail
2.- Introducir la ruta de tu cliente de email preferido.

LibreOffice is a great office suite, but we have to make some configurations to use its whole power.
If you're trying to send a document by email clicking on the icon into LibreOffice and get the following error:
LibreOffice was unable to find a working e-mail configuration.
Please save this document locally instead and attach it from within your e-mail client.

You only have to follow these easy steps:
1.- Go to: Tools -> Options -> Intenet -> E-mail
2.- Enter the path of your favorite email client.

PS. I know, I know. My English is not good enought but, the more you help me, the more I learn.

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