La vuelta de mis tan merecidas vacaciones no está siendo tan ****** como en un principio pensé. Parece que algunos servidores y/o servicios también se han ido de vacaciones y no quieren volver.
Tengo un W2K3 x86 + SP2 que me está dando una poca guerra. He tenido que aplicar un parche al mismo por un problema que si lo veo resuelto ya comentaré, y durante el inicio del mismo, he visto que me aparecía un alert indicando un error en el visor de sucesos.
Me dirijo al mismo ejecutando eventvwr y en el apartado system, veo el id de suceso: 7000 con Origen: Service Control Manager y la descripción:
El servicio Network Load Balancing no pudo iniciare debido al siguiente error:
No se puede iniciar el servicio, porque está deshabilitado o porque no tiene dispositivos asociados a él.
Busco un poco y encuentro, entre otras muchas páginas, una de Microsoft y otra de Symantec, en las que se resuelve este problema editando el registro para que no se notifique el mismo. Según Microsoft, el error puede aparecer si se hace referencia al servicio Equilibrio de carga de red como un componente en el grupo de inicio de un servicio de otro fabricante.
En mi caso he buscado y puede que el cliente de Backup Exec tenga algo que ver, ya que este aviso aparece aunque no tengas instalado dicho servicio!!. De todos modos, he ejecutado el proceso descrito en los enlaces abajo.
En mi caso he buscado y puede que el cliente de Backup Exec tenga algo que ver, ya que este aviso aparece aunque no tengas instalado dicho servicio!!. De todos modos, he ejecutado el proceso descrito en los enlaces abajo.
After I came back(up) from my holiday period, I've find out that some server/services had gone to enjoy their vacations too.
I have a W2K3 x86 + SP2 which wants to have some fun with me! I have to apply a patch on it to solve an issue that will be explained here if I beat it!. But on the next boot, <IRONIC>Yahooo!!! Thanks Microsoft!! I like to reboot my servers just for applying a simple patch</IRONIC>, an alert window advice me that something has failed with the message:
Where I find an error with Event id: 7000, Source: Service Control Manager and description:
The Network Load Balancing service failed to start due to the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. Network Load Balancing is not installed on the system.
After some Internet searching I found some pages, incluiding Microsoft and Symantec sites, that report this issue and show how to solve it.
The Microsoft site says that this issue may occur if the Network Load Balancing service is referenced as a component in the startup group of a third-party service.
Anyway I have solved the problem by following the procedure explained in the following links:
At least one service or driver failed during system startup. Use Event Viewer to examine the event log for his issue may occur if the Network Load Balancing service is referhis issue may occur if the Network Load Balancing service is referenced as a component in the startup group of a third-party service.enced as a component in the startup group of a third-party service.details.
Where I find an error with Event id: 7000, Source: Service Control Manager and description:
The Network Load Balancing service failed to start due to the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. Network Load Balancing is not installed on the system.
After some Internet searching I found some pages, incluiding Microsoft and Symantec sites, that report this issue and show how to solve it.
The Microsoft site says that this issue may occur if the Network Load Balancing service is referenced as a component in the startup group of a third-party service.
Anyway I have solved the problem by following the procedure explained in the following links:
PS. I know, I know. My English is not good enought but, the more you help me, the more I learn.
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